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Mississippi Energy Costs to Soar under EPA Proposal (Mississippi Watchdog)

New EPA regulations on coal-fired power plants could cost Mississippi billions By Steve Wilson | Mississippi Watchdog The cost for Mississippi to meet proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulations governing carbon dioxide emissions from coal power plants could run into the billions. Guess who’ll be footing the tab? Everyone who pays an electric bill. The proposed […]

Arkansas Electric Leader Criticizes EPA Proposal (City Wire)

New EPA rules will hurt Arkansas By Duane Highley On June 2, the Environmental Protection Agency announced its most sweeping rulemaking yet, one that will affect every American but disproportionately affect every Arkansan. By restricting the use of coal, this rule will change the power-supply infrastructure that your money has built and paid for over […]

EPA Proposal Will Harm Alabama (AL.com)

EPA regulations will take a toll on Alabama: reader opinion By Tom Pyle President Obama once promised that he would make electricity prices “necessarily skyrocket,” and earlier this month he delivered on his word. Starting next year, the Environmental Protection Agency will force Alabama’s power plants to cut their carbon emissions by 27 percent. The […]

Missouri Plant Closures Linked to Regulations (Associated Press)

Ameren blames EPA standards for coal plant closure, Nixon signs bill to allow less restrictions Gov. Jay Nixon has signed legislation directing Missouri regulators to develop their own standards for carbon dioxide pollution from power plants. The bill signing Monday comes as the federal Environmental Protection Agency has proposed rules that would require Missouri to […]

Supreme Court Challenges EPA Overreach (The Hill)

No ‘free rein’ for the EPA  By Peter Glaser The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned a centerpiece of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) strategy to regulate greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act, clearly reining in the agency from what has become a pattern of regulatory overreach. This will prove to be a heavy […]

Wisconsin Manufacturers Oppose EPA Regulation Proposal (The Star)

Manley: EPA rule will kill jobs, raise energy prices By Scott Manley, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce On June 2, the U.S. EPA proposed a global warming regulation that will significantly increase the cost of electricity for Wisconsin consumers, and kill thousands of jobs. The rule targets our fleet of coal-fired power plants, and is likely […]

Costly EPA Proposal Hard to Defend (Los Angeles Times)

Finding fault with the EPA The Natural Resources Defense Council’s Frances Beinecke finds it so difficult to defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s claim that its new carbon dioxide regulations will save consumers money and their jobs that she prefers to criticize the EPA’s critics instead. But their logic is unassailable: Driving out low-cost electricity […]

Nine Governors Urge President to Withdraw Carbon Regulation Proposal

Nine Republican governors sent a letter to President Obama urging him to abandon his administration’s recent proposal for burdensome greenhouse gas emissions standards and instead pursue a more pragmatic energy policy where states take the lead. Here is the text of the letter: June 16, 2014 Honorable Barack Obama President of the United States The […]

Proposed Carbon Regulations Crippling for Kentucky (SurfKY)

Could Proposed Coal Burning Power Plant Regulations Cripple Kentucky? Rita Dukes Smith, SurfKY News Director KENTUCKY (6/13/14) ― Leaders from two western Kentucky coal counties agree that if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed standards for existing power plants are approved, the subsequent job and revenue losses could cripple the state’s economy. “The way it’s […]