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Energy Reality Hangs Over Glasgow

The global energy crisis has come at an incredibly important moment. In the run up to the United Nation’s climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland, the world is getting a fresh reminder of the importance of existing energy systems and the precarious nature of the energy security, reliability and affordability too often taken for granted. […]

Soaring Energy Prices are Threatening to Wreck Recovery

Americans are alarmed over the rising cost of energy. According to new polling from Morning Consult, 85% of Americans are concerned about rising energy prices, with 50% very concerned. This concern cuts across party lines, with 85% of Democrats concerned and 89% of Republicans. This soaring concern comes as the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) warns […]

A Responsible Energy Transition Can’t Mean Energy Shocks

The word “transition” suggests a measured, thoughtful change, not a jump cut. That’s why the energy “transition” proposed in the reconciliation package doesn’t feel like a transition at all. It’s an upending of the nation’s energy mix and the jobs that support millions of families. As the global energy crisis deepens, it’s increasingly clear that […]

A Global Energy Crisis is Coming. There’s No Quick Fix

Via CNN Business: Astronomical increases in natural gas prices. Skyrocketing coal costs. Predictions of $100 oil. A global energy crunch caused by weather and a resurgence in demand is getting worse, stirring alarm ahead of the winter, when more energy is needed to light and heat homes. Governments around the world are trying to limit the […]

Energy-Driven Inflation is Here

Europe’s energy crisis is threatening to jump across the Atlantic with affordable and reliable energy, the very foundation for economic recovery, hanging in the balance. Supply chain disruptions have already provided troubling inflationary pressure on the economy; now, rising energy prices threaten to push a tenuous situation over the edge. The world – especially Europe […]

Don’t Sabotage Energy Reliability and Affordability

Via Inside Sources: The energy transition is happening. But how it proceeds, at what speed, and with what guard rails remains to be seen. The importance of managing this transition carefully, responsibly, and not sacrificing the reliability and affordability of our power supply can’t be overstated. Unfortunately, included in the House Reconciliation bill now working […]

Dropping a Bomb on Electricity Affordability and Reliability

Senator Manchin began a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by warning that, as the nation takes on the climate challenge, “we have to maintain a diverse and reliable energy mix with the technologies necessary to reduce emissions.” What he soon heard was that the very proposals coming […]

Rapid Energy Transition Putting U.S. Power Grid at Risk

Via The Washington Times: Americans have seen some troubling incidents throughout the U.S. power grid in recent years. Last February, Texas suffered dangerous power outages during a lengthy polar vortex. And summer heatwaves have pushed California into rolling blackouts and other emergency measures. This is what happens when extreme weather drives electricity demand beyond available power supplies. […]

To Prevent Electricity Shortages, Save Coal and Nuclear Plants

Via The Washington Examiner Given the appeal of emission-free sources of energy, it’s popular these days to talk about producing much more of our nation’s electricity from solar power. But so far, solar is generating more enthusiasm than electricity. Solar generation in the United States has almost doubled over the past three years, but it […]

Europe’s Energy Crisis is all the Warning We Need

The past few weeks have seen Europe drift into an energy crisis of its own making – a perfect storm of bad policy. As wind generation has collapsed across Europe, overreliance on natural gas as a bridge fuel and backstop to renewable intermittency has come home to roost. Tight natural gas supplies, soaring prices and […]