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Americans Concerned About Grid Reliability, Urge Caution in the Transition

Seventy-two percent of Americans are concerned that the speed of the transition to variable sources of power is coming at the cost of grid reliability, according to new polling conducted by Morning Consult for the National Mining Association (NMA). The poll also found that, within the energy transition, 63 percent of Americans believe that policymakers […]

Strong Majority of Americans Want a Plan to Preserve Grid Reliability

In the wake of headline-grabbing blackouts in California and Texas and all-too-regular electricity conservation warnings in states across the country, seventy-two percent of Americans are now concerned that the speed of the transition to variable sources of power is coming at the cost of grid reliability, according to new polling from Morning Consult. These concerns […]

With Natural Gas Prices Soaring, Fuel Diversity Matters More than Ever

The era of cheap natural gas is officially over. According to Bloomberg, a decade of low natural gas prices – driven by surging production from the U.S., Australia and other nations – has finally been overtaken by demand from a recovering global economy. New supply, and the appetite of industry to provide it, isn’t keeping […]

Capture the Moment

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill marks a massive leap forward for carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). It’s a leap forward that should be celebrated for advancing U.S. technological leadership and for advancing U.S. climate leadership. As Brad Crabtree, director of the Carbon Capture Coalition, described, it is “the most ambitious portfolio of carbon management policies […]

Infrastructure Reinvestment: American Met for American Steel

Infrastructure week was a dream so fragile you could only whisper it for fear saying the words would mark its undoing. But long odds aside, it has arrived and none too soon. The nation’s roads, bridges, dams, water systems and electricity grid – just some examples of the breadth of our critically important and diverse […]

Just How Unreliable Can the Grid Become?

As the inclusion of a potential clean electricity standard continues to be linked to infrastructure talks, context is important. The United States is already living on the grid reliability edge and, without thoughtful planning, could be poised to lunge towards the chasm. With the energy transition accelerating, and proposed timelines becoming shorter, just how much […]

Charting a Course Towards Globally Replicable Emissions Reduction

As much attention as domestic climate and energy policy are given, few policymakers seem willing to grapple with global energy trends and reality. Senator Joe Manchin is not one of them. As the senator has repeatedly pointed out, the energy transition and the move away from fossil fuels simply isn’t happening in much of the […]

Carbon Capture: The Key Answer on Climate Change

Via RealClearEnergy: Hard as it may be for many environmentalists to acknowledge, a technology that captures carbon dioxide emissions at coal plants needs to be a part of a global approach to carbon dioxide reduction. It is a remarkable paradox: At a time when the rest of the world is looking toward America for leadership in […]

Amid Rising Energy Cyberattacks, Coal is our Insurance Policy

From the NMA President’s Desk: Rich Nolan’s Blog: Cyberattacks are of increasing concern, with cyber criminals and state actors carefully selecting vulnerable targets to maximize disruption. Increasingly, these hacking events target physical infrastructure, aiming to cut access to U.S. energy sources and utilities. There’s no doubt that attacks on energy infrastructure will continue, impacting U.S. […]