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It’s Time to Sunset Federal Tax Credits for Wind and Solar

Via Inside Sources: A decade ago, more than 50 percent of the electricity consumed in the United States came from coal-fired generating plants.  But by 2016, coal’s No. 1 status had been replaced by natural gas. At the same time, the deployment of renewable energy sources has grown dramatically in recent years and now accounts […]

WRDA Investments in Domestic Infrastructure, Ports Will Boost U.S. Economy and Industry

The following statement was released today by National Mining Association (NMA) President and CEO Rich Nolan in support of the Water Resources Development Act: “The mining industry strongly supports the enactment of a new Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) and appreciates the bipartisan work to pass WRDA through the House this week. The House’s WRDA […]

During this Election, Energy Affordability is a Crisis

A “tidal wave” of power shut-offs is looming over the nation as families struggle with mid-summer heat and the devastating financial effects of the pandemic. That is how NPR recently described a heartbreaking situation where millions of families are choosing between paying power bills and putting food on the table or buying essential medication. New […]

Growing Urgency for U.S. Leadership on Advanced Coal Technology

Not nearly enough. That’s the conclusion of two new reports examining what’s being done to develop and deploy emissions-reduction technology for coal plants. The reports, one from the National Coal Council (NCC) and the other from the International Energy Agency (IEA), paint a clear picture about the urgency and necessity of doubling down on research, […]

An Important Step Forward for Commonsense Permitting Reform

Americans are ready to rebuild our infrastructure, to modernize, to move forward. But some of the nation’s tallest hurdles to reinvesting, to rebuilding better than before have been self-imposed. The National Environmental Policy Act, or NEPA, is the perfect example. Fortunately, 40 years after its inception, it has now gotten a long overdue update. When […]

Clean Coal Technologies Should be Harnessed for Post-virus Recovery and Beyond

Via The Washington Examiner:Coal’s importance for the U.S. electricity grid has been shrinking for several decades, from supplying more than 50% of the nation’s electricity in 2000 to only 17% this year. It’s in retreat in Europe as well, but those trends defy a bigger global story, one where coal’s importance is larger than ever. […]

Opinion: Energy Agenda Should Focus on Clean Coal

Via The Eastern New Mexico News: Are renewable sources of energy ready to stand on their own two feet? After billions already spent and substantial subsidies that continue, wind and solar power generated only 9% of U.S. demand in 2019. In contrast, coal and natural gas met 63% of U.S. power demand. Replacing fossil fuels […]

For Millions of Families, Affordable Power Has Never Mattered More

The dog days of summer have arrived. And as the temperature continues to tick up, so too will electricity bills – bills millions of Americans can’t afford. As Bloomberg recently reported, “millions of people already reeling from the coronavirus’s economic fallout are about to face sharp increases in electric bills that may drive some to […]

The US Must Still Focus on Clean Coal Technologies

Via RealClearEnergy: When environmentalists talk about carbon mitigation, they invariably leave out coal technology. That’s absurd. The reality is that, despite coal plant shutdowns in the United States and Europe, coal is prospering in Asia and beyond, and this requires a new way of thinking and talking about the transition to clean energy sources and […]