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Grappling with the “Dark Doldrums”

A fascinating thing is happening. While renewable energy and climate policy ambitions are growing more aggressive, the few nations trying to rapidly pivot away from coal, natural gas and nuclear power are struggling. There seems to be a growing disconnect between data and experience, and the energy vision touted by climate hawks.  Germany – with […]

Coal Remains the World’s Leading Fuel for Electricity Generation

The world needs U.S. coal technology leadership more than ever. And if the U.S. is indeed concerned with tackling the global emissions challenge, coal technology can’t be an afterthought in the climate equation, it needs to be a centerpiece of the effort. The 2020 BP Statistical Review of World Energy highlights a trend that is […]

We Still Need Coal to Ensure Power Grid Reliability

Via The Hill: In 2018, natural gas surpassed coal to become the largest source of electricity generation in the United States. And during the past four months, admittedly a period of reduced power demand because of the COVID-19 pandemic, renewable energy sources such as wind and solar actually have pushed more electrons into the nation’s power grid than have […]

Maintaining the Foundation for Recovery

This week Congress set its sights on COVID-19’s impact on the energy industry. Committees in both the House and Senate heard expert testimony on a sector that has felt the pain of economic upheaval just as acutely as any dimension of the economy. While the coal industry was recognized as an essential industry by the […]

What Happens When the Next Pandemic is a Power Outage?

Via The Southern Illinoisan: Imagine if, in 2018, someone had fully predicted the arrival of COVID-19. They explained the scale of the coming pandemic — and gave policymakers time to prepare. It’s almost impossible to imagine such a scenario. And it’s human nature to doubt such “bad news” predictions. However, we might be on the […]

Building Cutting-Edge Materials with Coal

Coal is synonymous with affordable, reliable and secure energy. It’s the leading fuel for global electricity generation and it’s the key ingredient to produce the majority of the world’s steel. But what if it also had a future as the essential building block to produce some of the world’s most innovative materials? It does, and […]

Ending the Abuse of Section 401 Permitting

Global demand for coal remains strong. In fact, coal remains the world’s leading fuel for electricity generation and hundreds of new plants – particularly in Asia – are either planned or already under construction. But despite the world’s largest coal reserves, relatively little American coal is making it into a booming Asian market. The problem […]

Steeling the Nation for Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic has sent shockwaves through the global economy. Energy markets have been in disarray. And when many people think “coal” they think electricity. But to do so would miss a promising market that could be poised for growth as the world looks towards recovery: the market for metallurgical coal used to produce nearly […]

Keep Energy Affordable During COVID-19 Recovery

Via The Piqua Daily Call: In the wake of nearly 40 million jobless claims in recent weeks, Americans are clearly struggling to pay the bills. In fact, a new national poll found that nearly 50 percent of registered voters are increasingly worried about paying for household expenses, including electricity. This isn’t surprising given the havoc […]