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In 2018 NERC Warned of a Reliability Crisis from Accelerating Baseload Retirements. It’s Here.

In 2018, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the organization that oversees the reliability on the North American electric grid, warned of the threat of accelerating losses of baseload sources of power. At the time, S&P Global Market Intelligence characterized the report by writing, NERC “warns that an accelerated retirement of coal-fired and nuclear […]

Want to Re-Shore Industry from China? Don’t Overlook Affordable Energy

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has sowed immense uncertainty about the future, but it’s becoming clear that consensus is rapidly forming to bring manufacturing and essential supply chains home from China. Doing so is going to require a recommitment to economic competitiveness, and maintaining affordable, reliable energy will have to be top of the agenda. Difficulty […]

Will Electricity be Affordable in our Post COVID-19 Nation?

Via The Review: The COVID-19 pandemic is clearly wreaking havoc with the U.S. economy. And Americans are already feeling the pain. As Washington starts to grapple with this economic disruption, there’s a looming problem that must be addressed. Our nation will begin to dig out of the crisis in the coming months, but we’re going […]

Don’t Let Dispatchable Fuel Diversity Slip Away

Row after row of drilling rigs and frack trucks now sit idle in parking lots across oil country. Drilling in U.S. oil and natural gas fields has come to a screeching halt. It’s a scene and reality that not only has ramifications for oil and gas workers and the oil market, but for electricity consumers […]

For Energy, Affordability, Reliability, and Balance Matter More Now Than Ever

Via RealClearEnergy: Energy markets are in disarray. Look no further than oil prices slipping into negative territory for evidence of the chaos. We are only just beginning to understand the economic disruption wrought by a virus that has brought much of the global economy to a screeching halt. While the turmoil in the oil sector […]

Affordability, Reliability and Balance Matter More Now than Ever

Energy markets are in disarray. Look no further than oil prices slipping into negative territory for evidence of the chaos. We are only just beginning to understand the economic disruption wrought by a virus that has brought much of the global economy to a screeching halt. While the turmoil in the oil sector is plainer […]

The Long Road Back to Balanced Rulemaking

There was no shortage of doomsday coverage of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to revisit the cost benefit analysis underpinning the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS rule). But in the same breath that outlets like The New York Times sounded the alarm about weakening regulations on the release of mercury, they also […]

EPA Action on MATS Marks a Return to Balanced Regulation

The National Mining Association (NMA) today applauded the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) revised Supplemental Finding and Residual Risk and Technology Review final rule. The agency’s action rights a longstanding abuse of regulatory power. The 2012 MATS rule was a pivotal, destructive and illegal assault on the […]

NMA Applauds New EPA Mining Sector Snapshot

The National Mining Association applauded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for its new mining sector snapshot, which provides the public with a platform to increase understanding of the environmental performance and economic contributions of the metal and coal mining sectors. “With this new snapshot, the EPA is introducing a thoughtful approach to assessing and […]

A Foundation for Recovery

This week, President Trump gathered a group of the nation’s CEOs on a call to chart a course for our economic recovery. Rich Nolan, president and CEO of the National Mining Association, participated, bringing mining’s voice to the highest levels of government. Upon being named to President Trump’s “Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups,” Mr. […]