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Mining Industry Joins President Trump’s “Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups”

Rich Nolan, National Mining Association President and CEO, issued the following statement upon being named to President Donald Trump’s Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups. “We appreciate President Trump’s leadership during this unprecedented time of crisis and for proactively gathering this important group together to chart the course for recovery. The mining industry stands ready […]

Fairbanks Area Mines Look After Seniors

Via North of 60 Mining News: Amidst the scramble to prepare for an imminent pandemic that is roiling mining and metals markets, the three large mines in Interior Alaska have taken the time to look after the members of their community most vulnerable to COVID-19. On March 12, Kinross Fort Knox Mine, Northern Star Resources Ltd. Pogo […]

During Crisis, Coal industry Remains Vital to Economy

Via The Marietta Times: The coronavirus pandemic is having a significant impact on nearly every sector of our economy and the coal industry is no different. In this most challenging time, it’s vital that this essential industry is provided the flexibility and support it needs to continue producing the fuel that remains the foundation for […]

An Essential Industry Caring for Its Employees and Its Communities 

The COVID-19 crisis is requiring herculean efforts from healthcare workers and first responders, sacrifices from every American, and it has turned the global economy upside down. But for those in essential industries, like mining, the work goes on in this “new normal” to provide the fuel, materials and equipment needed to keep the country going.  […]

An Essential and Irreplaceable Industry Now and Tomorrow

Just this weekend, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reiterated the obvious: the mining industry, and its supply chain, are essential. From the minerals that are the building blocks of our world to the coal vital to manufacturing and electricity generation, mining and miners power America. DHS explicitly included mining in its list of 16 […]

Keeping the Lights on is Essential Work

It would be difficult to find a piece of “news” coverage more out of touch with communities across our country than The Washington Post’srecent article questioning the essential nature of coal mining. From his perch in Washington, D.C., the writer brushes off coal’s contributions to the grid noting that “coal provides less than a quarter […]

Coal Industry Worth Supporting During Coronavirus Outbreak

Via The Mercury: As the COVID-19 crisis wreaks havoc on nearly every part of the nation’s energy sector, now is not the time for partisan fights over which industries and energy sources deserve government support. Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening. The coal industry is asking for relief to weather the coronavirus pandemic. But the usual […]

Commonsense Support for an Essential Industry

You’ve probably heard the critics by now. How dare the coal industry ask for relief to weather the COVID-19 crisis? It’s the kind of absurd question or assertion we’ve come to expect from people who simply don’t value coal jobs like others and who remain completely out of out of touch with the essential role […]

America’s Mining Industry Deserves Strategic Support to Weather the Storm

Via RealClearEnergy: The challenge facing the nation is arguably without precedent. The health crisis posed by COVID-19 must be our first priority, but we must also in tandem tend to the economic upheaval wrought by the virus and the steps that must be taken to combat it. Every industry will feel the impacts of this […]

Tackling the Challenge Head On

The country is facing a unique and mounting challenge. One that is requiring that we all chip in in our own ways. For many of us, doing our part is staying home, social distancing, washing our hands and looking out for those who might need assistance. It’s the very least we can do. Because while […]