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The Case for U.S. Leadership on Advanced Coal Technology

Via The Morning Journal: While it can feel like the world is in the midst of an energy transition — where one source of energy is replaced by another — that’s not what’s happening. Instead of transition, we’re in a period of addition. The growing use of wind and solar power is actually coming on […]

Guidance to Get Going

It’s not every day when a notice from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is cause for excitement. Yesterday was one of those rare exceptions. The IRS finally issued guidance on the 45Q carbon capture tax credits. It was guidance the energy industry has been anticipating for two years, ever since Congress passed bipartisan legislation creating […]

America Blessed with an Extraordinary Opportunity

Via Fosters.com: If you had to capture the remarkable changes in U.S. energy production in one word, that word would be “technology.” From technological advances driving the shale revolution in oil and natural gas to dramatic declines in the cost of solar and wind power to the design of advanced reactors for nuclear power to […]

Coal Still Has a Promising Future

Via The Casper Star-Tribune: Public concern over global warming has cast much-needed attention on efforts to curtail carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. As the most carbon-rich fuel, coal is right between the crosshairs. But substantial global warming won’t be avoided unless coal-rich countries – especially China and India – reduce greenhouse-gas […]

The Case for U.S. Leadership on Advanced Coal Technology

Via The Casper Star Tribune: While it can feel like the world is in the midst of an energy transition — where one source of energy is replaced by another — that’s not what’s happening. Instead of transition, we’re in a period of addition. The growing use of wind and solar power is actually coming […]

Markets Must Better Value Flexible, Dispatchable Coal Power

How valuable is a kilowatt hour of electricity? That, of course, depends greatly on when that electricity is produced and just how much it’s needed. Consider the gulf in value of excess electricity generated by solar power midday and the electricity produced by a coal plant when demand is spiking and intermittent sources of power […]

Coal Must Remain in Energy Mix

Via The Grand Forks Herald: In an era of fracking for oil and natural gas and growth in solar and wind power, who knew the plain old coal plant could have value in a carbon-constrained world? And yet, coal generation has turned out to be a surprising bright spot in energy tech’s universe of late. […]

Understanding Global Trends, Voters Want the U.S. to Lead on Coal Technology

In one of the most developed economies on earth, a place synonymous with advanced technology, coal isn’t on the way out; in fact, its role is growing. As The New York Times reported this week, Japan is building 22 new coal plants over the next five years. For Japan, advanced coal plants mean energy security […]

Coal Competitors Have Unfair Advantage

Via The Wheeling Intelligencer: West Virginia has long been a coal state. And there are understandable reasons why many in the state view the rise of alternative sources of power with concern. The loss of much of the nation’s coal fleet has at times been met with frustration and confusion. Are renewable sources of power […]

A Failure to Connect the Dots

The U.S. has a growing energy infrastructure problem. More precisely, major transmission lines needed to move wind and solar power from regions of production to centers of demand aren’t being built at nearly the pace needed. Natural gas pipeline additions are also failing to keep up with gas demand. One infrastructure project after another is […]