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Investors First, Ratepayers Second

New natural gas power plants are being added to the electricity grid at a remarkable speed and scale. And while it’s been fashionable to believe the overwhelming impetus for this building spree has been cheap natural gas that could potentially save consumers money, while also reducing emissions, that line of thinking now has nearly as […]

Recognizing the Irreplaceable Contribution of our Miners

Every December 6 marks National Miners Day, an important opportunity to recognize the contribution of the nation’s miners and the significance of mining to everyday life. National Miners Day shines a spotlight on the exceptional contributions and sacrifices of the nation’s miners. More than 300,000 Americans are directly employed as miners, and another 1 million […]

Coal’s Future: Reviving Coal’s Staying Power

Via My Journal Courier: Which is it? Is the coal industry on the ropes or is it roaring back? The answer is: it’s complicated. Perspective is required to understand where the coal industry currently stands. While it may seem like distant history, the effects of the prior administration’s anti-coal regulatory spree persist. From 2011 to […]

U.S. Must Address Cyber Threats to its Power Grid

Via LehighValleyLive.com: At any one time, the United States uses more than 400,000 megawatts of electricity. That’s a lot of power, and it takes a lot of non-stop work to keep it flowing. But how safe is America’s power grid from cyber attacks and other disruptions? Cyber intrusions are no longer a theoretical possibility. In March, hackers […]

Thanksgiving in Coal Country

While media continue to look for new and exciting ways to attack this president, one that doesn’t hold water is the criticism that, despite his promises, he hasn’t delivered anything meaningful for coal country. To be clear: there are significant challenges facing today’s coal industry. Immediate action must be taken to rebalance and restore competition […]

Coal is Still Showing Some Staying Power

Via BlueRidgeNow.com: Which is it? Is the coal industry on the ropes or is it roaring back? The answer is: It’s complicated. Perspective is required to understand where the coal industry currently stands. While it may seem like distant history, the effects of the prior administration’s anti-coal regulatory spree persist. From 2011 to 2016, coal […]

PRO: Coal’s Staying Power

Via The Chicago Tribune: Which is it? Is the coal industry on the ropes or is it roaring back? The answer is that it’s complicated. Perspective is required to understand where the coal industry currently stands. While it may seem like distant history, the effects of the prior administration’s anti-coal regulatory spree persist. From 2011 […]

Breaking News: Fuel Targeting Doesn’t Work

A report issued this week by the U.S. Energy Information Administration found that U.S. carbon emissions from energy increased in 2018. You heard that right. Emissions are up, despite the near constant vilification of coal and hundreds of millions spent by activists like Michael Bloomberg. And to be clear: that’s hundreds of millions spent not […]

No Solution at All

Questions continue to arise about the cost and technical feasibility of moving to an emissions-free grid by 2050. Or, in the case of the Green New Dealers, making that jump even sooner. At a recent hearing on the subject, House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-N.J.) said, “a solution that is unaffordable […]

How Safe is the U.S. Power Grid?

Via Casper Star-Tribune: At any one time, the United States uses more than 400,000 megawatts of electricity. That’s a lot of power, and it takes a lot of nonstop work to keep it flowing. But how safe is America’s power grid from cyber attacks and other disruptions? Cyber intrusions are no longer a theoretical possibility. […]