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ACE Rule Gives Regulatory Power to the States

Via The Farmington Daily Times Washington is about to see another controversial chapter in the Trump era. Any day now, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will issue its final “Affordable Clean Energy” rule (ACE). Intended as a replacement for President Obama’s 2015 Clean Power Plan (CPP), the new rule will likely spur debate in Washington. […]

Brace Yourself For Long, Hot Texas Summer

Via The Waco Tribune-Herald: Texas is once again at the center of America’s energy sector, thanks to emerging trends in both natural gas production and renewable energy. Not only does Texas lead the nation in both crude oil and natural gas production, but it also generates more renewable electricity than any other state. At the […]

The Real Energy Story in the U.K.

From the tone of the coverage announcing that the U.K. has gone more than 10 days without generating any electricity using coal, one would think Britain had singlehandedly turned the tide against rising global emissions. Renewable boosters and climate hawks have fallen over themselves in praise of this “accomplishment.” But what this fawning coverage has […]

The ACE Rule is Right on Target

The final Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule is reportedly coming in June. It will replace the Clean Power Plan (CPP), bringing much-needed regulatory certainty and an approach to reducing emissions that, notably, doesn’t torpedo the economy. Any analysis of the ACE rule requires a comparison with the rule it’s replacing; or rather, the problems it’s […]

Coal Still Fuels Economic Fire in Pennsylvania, Industry Study Reports

Via The Tribune-Review: Don’t rule the coal industry out as an economic force in Pennsylvania just yet. A new study — conducted by the Allegheny Conference on Community Development and commissioned by the Pennsylvania Coal Alliance — found that coal mining accounts for nearly $7 billion in economic activity in the state, including $4.6 billion directly […]

Editorial: New Mine Could Have Far-Reaching Effects

Via The Herald-Dispatch: When people talk about economically distressed areas in southern West Virginia, they usually focus on McDowell County. Nearly forgotten has been its neighbor to the north. Wyoming County has not been hit nearly as hard as McDowell County as the coal industry has contracted and reduced employment, but the downsizing of the […]

American Infrastructure Requires American Mining

Sound the trumpets, it’s infrastructure week again. While it remains anyone’s guess whether or not a bipartisan compromise can be brokered for a deal, the urgency for action on the nation’s crumbling infrastructure is greater than ever. The clock continues to tick. In 2017, the American Society for Civil Engineering released its most recent infrastructure […]

Consol developing new coal mine in southern West Virginia

Via WTAE Pittsburgh: Consol Energy Inc. says it expects to open a metallurgical coal mine in southern West Virginia in 2021. News outlets report the new mine in the Wyoming County community of Itmann will employ between 100 and 150 workers. Construction is expected to start by early next year. Canonsburg, Pennsylvania-based Consol Energy expects […]

Arizona Benefits From Diverse Energy Mix – Including Coal, Nuclear

Via The Arizona Capitol Times:  Thanks to helpful geography, Arizona is enjoying something of an energy breakthrough. In 2017, Arizona’s electricity generation from solar power exceeded its hydroelectric output for the first time. And the state now ranks second in the nation in solar generation. Overall, nuclear power, coal, and natural gas still carry the major load, though, contributing a combined 88 […]

Affordability and Reliability First

In a nation that holds polarizing views on nearly everything, it’s telling when a poll returns decisive, bipartisan consensus on an issue. That’s precisely the case in a new poll from Morning Consult which asked Americans how they believe the current transformation of the grid should be approached. Asked if they would like to transition […]