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Let’s Not Pollute our Waterways with Unnecessary Federal Regulation

Via Inside Sources: Is it possible to have cleaner waterways across the country and, at the same time, less federal regulation?  Fortunately, for a wide swath of the economy — from farming to mining, home building to construction — the answer is yes.  Not just any water quality policy will accomplish these twin goals, however.  […]

Technology, Not Taxes

Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming had an op-ed this week in The New York Times where he called for leaning on technology, not carbon taxes, to cut emissions. His argument is grounded in reality – the reality that people both here and abroad don’t want to want to be taxed to use affordable, reliable energy […]

Trump Rolls Back Anti-Coal Mandate at EPA — Here’s Why It’s Reasonable

Via LifeZette: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2015 mandated the use of carbon capture and storage (CCS) for any future U.S. coal plants. This effectively blocked the development of new coal units, since CCS is not yet commercially viable. In effect, the EPA’s decision was another example of federal overreach designed to further limit […]

Wind and Solar Clash with Energy Reality

Via The Hill: In the name of protecting the environment, some public and political leaders want most of our electrical energy to come from renewables. The reality is that wind and solar combined supply only 17 percent of electricity-generating capacity in the U.S. and even less globally. This has not deterred environmental organizations and some […]

The Energy Tax Revolt is Worldwide

Just hours before French President Macron – facing the worst protests in France in decades – retreated from a proposed fuel tax hike, The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board presciently wrote, “nothing reveals the disconnect between ordinary voters and an aloof political class more than carbon taxation.” The disconnect is very real. Pollsters have found […]

America’s Increasingly Fragile Electric Grid

Via The Washington Times: One of the lesser known economic successes of the modern era is the U.S. electric grid. For the most part, enough electricity-generating capacity to meet the nation’s power needs is available at the flip of a switch. America’s power plants continue to perform at high levels of safety and reliability. The […]

Proposed WOTUS Definition Provides Regulatory Certainty and Recognizes States’ Key Role in Protecting Water Resources

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) proposed definition of “waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) provides long-overdue clarity regarding the scope of federal Clean Water Act jurisdiction, and restores the appropriate balance between state and federal authority over waterways, the National Mining Association (NMA) said today. “States have an important role […]

A Path Forward for High Efficiency, Low Emissions Coal Technology in the U.S

The EPA announced today a proposed revision to the new source performance standards (NSPS) for CO2 emissions from new coal power plants. While some commentators, including The New York Times, have tried to frame the revision as a rollback of climate regulation, it’s anything but. The proposed revision to the standard provides a pathway for […]

EPA Proposes 111(b) Revisions to Advance Clean Energy Technology

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed to revise the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for greenhouse gas emissions from new, modified, and reconstructed fossil fuel-fired power plants. EPA is proposing, under Clean Air Act (CAA) section 111(b), to revise its determination of the best system of emission reduction (BSER) for these plants. This determination […]