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The EVs Are Coming

Those who claim there is no need for intervention to support baseload power plants often point to flat electricity demand as the basis of their reasoning. And to their point, utility electricity demand has been flat for a decade. Gains in energy efficiency and the outsourcing of heavy industry have contributed to this. But their […]

Trump Administration Right to Support Coal and Nuclear Power

Via The Omaha World-Herald: As Secretary of Energy Rick Perry prepares to sign off on a plan to save financially distressed coal and nuclear plants, one of the recurring enigmas is why it’s taken so long to recognize the need for reliable base-load electricity production. Consider the importance of base-load power in Nebraska. We would […]

One Retirement Too Many

Summer is here in all its sun-drenched glory. There’s a pretty good chance you’ve been swimming, seen some fireworks or had some watermelon. Perhaps it’s having both fireworks and watermelon on the mind, but reading about stress on the electric grid, falling reserve margins and blackouts in California jogged memories of the internet sensation that […]

You Won’t Miss Coal, Nuclear Power — Until Your A/C Quits

Via The Belleville News-Democrat: Is the shutdown of “base-load” coal and nuclear plants harmful? These are the power plants capable of reliably providing electricity 24/7. By comparison, natural gas plants are susceptible to widely varying gas prices, and wind and solar are dependent upon weather conditions. Should something be done to prevent the further loss […]

Time for Action From Washington to Secure Our Energy Future

Via RealClearEnergy: In newspapers throughout the United States and across social media platforms, a similar story continues to be told. As our nation’s power grid increasingly migrates toward natural gas and renewables, coal-fueled power plants are closing at a steady and alarming rate. Print and social media coverage of these closures often focuses on the […]

Coal Research Needs to Be a Priority for US

Via The Great Falls Tribune: It is fashionable among political pundits to declare that the rise last year in the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions was the result of forces beyond U.S. control: as high-growth countries like China and India increase their use of coal, emissions go up. But there are factors contributing to this that we […]

Keep Coal and Nuclear Power Online

Via The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Thanks to a 50 percent increase in U.S. natural gas production since 1997, prices have plummeted. Natural gas prices in the United States are the lowest in the world. Not only has cheap gas reduced the cost of home heating and electricity for millions of Americans, but it also has pumped […]

Texas’ Power Grid Set for Now But Future Less Certain

Via The Houston Chronicle: Last month was the second warmest May on record in Texas, and forecasts for this summer indicate we’ll be hitting above-average temperatures. At the same time, Texas’ population is growing twice as fast as the nation’s, driven in part by the more than 1,000 people per day who are moving here […]