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Trump Administration Taking Prudent Steps to Keep the Lights On

Via Marketwatch.com: President Donald Trump seems to have given his more passionate critics new ammunition last week with his announcement that the Department of Energy will be stepping in to preserve reliable, affordable baseload power from key coal and nuclear plants. Opponents are sharpening their knives, but after the fuss and tumble subsides, it will become clear […]

Trump Acts to Keep America Running with Crisis Power

Via Lifezette: Coal has been in the news a lot during President Donald Trump’s first term. And in some ways, it’s the quintessential lightning rod issue for criticism of the president. But what environmental activists fail to grasp is that coal continues to undergird much of America’s power grid. The coal debate will only intensify […]

Why Shipping Coal to Asia Makes Ecological Sense

Via TDN.com: It may seem counterintuitive, but building the proposed coal-exporting shipping terminal, Millennium Bulk Terminals-Longview facility, can reduce global greenhouse gases by making U.S. coal readily available to Asia. The state Department of Ecology’s final environmental impact statement for the Millennium coal export facility validates this point. Unfortunately, the details were buried in the […]

NERC: ERCOT, CAISO Face Summer Reliability Concerns

Via RTO Insider: NERC said Wednesday its annual summer reliability assessment indicates ERCOT and CAISO will face operational challenges and potential reliability concerns this summer, thanks to the two ISOs’ respective loss of baseload generation and lack of fuel assurance. According to the agency’s summer assessment, ERCOT faces a generation shortfall “due in part” to […]

Breaking: World Still Cares about Affordable, Reliable, Secure Energy

The New York Times reported this week on an environmental group’s analysis that shows banks are still (gasp!) investing in coal mining and new coal plants. Despite efforts from activists to green-shame financial institutions into walking away from coal, investment in 2017 from U.S. banks alone was up nearly $3 billion from 2016. Global demand […]

When Playing to the Crowd Prevents Progress

May 22, 2018 It’s easy to get confused by the news these days. On a daily basis we see green rhetoric eclipsing the stated purpose of environmental crowd. Take New York’s Gov. Cuomo, for example. Even as he is greening-up his creds for a potential presidential run with commitments around reducing New York’s carbon emissions, […]

Analysis Paralysis

May 14, 2018 Due, in part, to a winter that only begrudgingly and belatedly yielded to spring, this month’s EIA Short-term Energy Outlook now predicts higher coal production for the year than it predicted just last month: 751 million short tons, up from 740 MMST predicted in April. What does this tell you? When it […]

‘Who Turned Off the Lights?’

Via The Washington Times: Is anyone paying any attention to the crisis that is going on in our electric power markets? Over the past six months at least four major nuclear power plants have been slated for shutdown, including the last one in operation in California. Meanwhile, dozens of coal plants have been shuttered as […]

Interests Widen in Legal Fight Over Coal-export Terminal

Via Kentucky.com: Six Western states and national industry groups have lined up against Washington state in a legal battle over its decision to reject permits for a massive proposed coal-export terminal on the Columbia River. Wyoming, Montana, Kansas, Utah, South Dakota and Nebraska filed a joint amicus brief, arguing in support of project backers and […]

Countries In and Around the Middle East are Adding Coal-fired Power Plants

Via The U.S. Energy Information Administration: Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, based on trade press and company press releases Planned coal-fired capacity additions from a number of countries in and around the Middle East will add 41 gigawatts (GW) of new electric generating capacity over the next decade, based on announced projects and projects currently in […]