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Behind Coal’s Comeback

“The headwinds we faced in recent years have now filled our sails.” That was Hal Quinn’s succinct description of the change in coal’s prospects last year. At USEA’s Annual Energy Forum last week, NMA’s CEO spelled out the winds of change that today are not only favorable but, equally importantly, have reversed. Start with government’s […]

Tax Cuts and Coal’s Rebound Warm Winter’s Chill

Via The Tribune-Democrat: After a rocky start, Congress and the president saved their best for last in 2017.  The historic tax cut that closed out the Trump administration’s first year defied a conventional wisdom that as recently as last summer gave Congress no chance to pass a major tax bill. A fractious Republican party, a […]

OPINION: EPA Should Support Repeal of the ‘Clean Power Plan’

Via The Pagosa Daily Post: On Thursday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it is holding three public listening sessions on the proposed repeal of the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). The sessions will be held on February 21 in Kansas City, February 28 in San Francisco, and March 27 in Gillette, […]

Cold Reminds Us of Importance of Dependable Energy

Via Townhall.com: Following the recent record-setting low temperatures, the importance of reliable, abundant, and inexpensive energy is now more obvious than ever. It was certainly appropriate that the 2017 National Security Strategy (NSS), released on December 18, three days before the start of winter, emphasized energy security. To “Promote American prosperity” and “Advance American influence,” […]

The Difference After Year One

January 17, 2018 After year one of the Trump Administration, we can say this about the president’s record so far: despite accusations of favoritism, he has been as generous to the news industry as he has been to corporations. Especially for scribes in the Beltway Thunder Dome, Trump and his Administration have provided all manner […]

US Energy Official Says ‘War on Coal’ Has Put Nation at Risk

Via The Atlantic Council: US Deputy Secretary of Energy, Dan Brouillette, on January 13 lashed out at what he described as the “war on coal” in the United States which, he said, had thwarted the construction of clean power plants, discouraged investments in new mining operations, and, as a result, put the nation at risk. […]

NMA President and CEO Responding to FERC Grid Resilience Announcement

“Today’s disappointing lack of action from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) follows a week in which the value of coal to Americans could not have been more clearly illustrated.” “With a surge in demand, coal was the leading electricity supplier in many of the markets subjected to the deep freeze, providing a critical measure […]

Where’s the Crisis?

January 8, 2018 “There was no crisis, so no need for FERC action” goes the mantra last week from renewable fuel advocates. The roof didn’t fall in, the gun wasn’t loaded, the rope didn’t snap, so go back to sleep. This is the head-in-the-sand logic of complacent dogmatists. The implication is that nothing less than […]

National View: Energy Favoritism is Clear in all the Hype for Renewables

Via The Duluth News Tribune: Energy favoritism now has become a bonafide topic of conversation in Washington, D.C. Where else but in our nation’s capital could energy subsidies and government intervention become a heated topic at New Year’s parties? But it has, energized by two potentially significant events breaking simultaneously. First are the federal tax […]