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Planning America’s Energy Future Requires Caution, Common Sense

Via The Spectrum: The captain of the HMS Titanic, Edward John Smith, famously said, “I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.” His confidence at the time was understandable, given that the general public had yet to experience a large-scale maritime catastrophe. Curiously, the more […]

OPINION: Coal is Making a Comeback

Via The News Virginian: There is no question that the future is brighter for our nation’s coal industry. Changes in policy, regulations, and markets are contributing to a stronger domestic coal industry. The U.S. economy is growing again. Global economic activity is increasing. The business prospects of other countries that use our coal for electricity, […]

What Could Go Wrong?

December 20, 2017 “I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.” — Captain Edward John Smith, HMS Titanic “There is substantial evidence showing that …. outages caused by disruptions of fuel supply to generators appear to be virtually nonexistent.” — Joint letter to FERC from […]

Coal Plant Shutdowns to Lower Power Reserves

Via The Houston Chronicle: The shutdown of three coal-fired and a natural gas plant will knock Texas’ summer power reserves below the recommended level, according to a report released Monday by the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which oversees 90 percent of the state’s power grid. ERCOT is charged with ensuring  that Texas has enough […]

EPA Takes First Step Toward Replacing Obama’s Climate Rules for Coal Plants

Via The Washington Examiner: President Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency took the first step Monday toward proposing its own version of climate change regulations for coal-fired power plants. The Trump climate rule would replace the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan with a much more limited version of the greenhouse gas rules for existing power plants. Eliminating […]

Green Demand, Dry Water

December 14, 2017 “Energy favoritism” is now a bona fide topic of Washington conversation. Where else would energy subsidies and government intervention become a heated topic at Christmas parties? But a topic it is, energized by two events.  First, House and Senate tax bills that may or may not reduce welfare payments to some energy […]

Sorry Wind and Solar, America’s Insatiable Energy Demands Require Reliable Power Sources

Via The Hill: The United States urgently needs to settle on a roadmap for the next 30 years of domestic power generation. And that’s because recent attempts to strengthen the nation’s electric grid are running headlong into opposition from an industry that prefers the status quo. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that America’s electricity needs […]

Energy Commissioner Undaunted by Delay in Perry Coal Rule Consideration

Via The Hill:  The former head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said he isn’t discouraged by a 30-day delay in the agency’s consideration of a proposal to boost coal and nuclear power plants. Neil Chatterjee, who was FERC’s chairman on an interim basis from August through last week, said he’s still pushing for […]

Trump’s Crucial Step to Ensure Electric Grid Reliability

Via The Washington Examiner: Do you wait until you’re sick to purchase health insurance? Do you wait until after you’ve had an accident to insure your car? If you did, it would be too late. Now, imagine it’s the middle of winter and your electricity goes out. How would you power your home? How about […]

Gillette to Host Clean Power Plan Powwow

Via Gillette News-Record: The Energy Capital of the Nation will have a chance to put some real faces and personal stories to the nation’s coal-fired energy debate when the EPA comes to town. The agency announced Wednesday that Gillette is one of three cities that will host public hearings to gather input on the Trump […]