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Trump’s Crucial Step to Ensure Electric Grid Reliability

Via The Washington Examiner: Do you wait until you’re sick to purchase health insurance? Do you wait until after you’ve had an accident to insure your car? If you did, it would be too late. Now, imagine it’s the middle of winter and your electricity goes out. How would you power your home? How about […]

Gillette to Host Clean Power Plan Powwow

Via Gillette News-Record: The Energy Capital of the Nation will have a chance to put some real faces and personal stories to the nation’s coal-fired energy debate when the EPA comes to town. The agency announced Wednesday that Gillette is one of three cities that will host public hearings to gather input on the Trump […]

EPA to Hold More Hearings on Planned Clean Power Plan Repeal

Via Gillette News Record: The Trump administration says it will hold three additional public hearings on its intention to nullify an Obama-era plan to ratchet down planet-warming carbon emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency announced Wednesday that it will take comments on its proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan at upcoming hearings in San Francisco, […]

Miner’s Day Becomes Miner’s Year

December 6, 2017 Seventeen years ago, Congress set Dec. 6 as National Miner’s Day, little knowing the renewed significance this date would have in 2017. A day that was born in recognition of a tragedy – the loss of 362 men in a coal mine accident in West Virginia in 1907 — has today become […]

U.S. Still Needs Electricity from Coal and Nuclear Plants

Via The Philadelphia Inquirer:  The boom in natural gas production from shale has led to a widespread belief that the United States no longer needs nuclear and coal plants to meet the demand for electricity. That belief is wrong.  For starters, consider the continued increase in the nation’s need for electricity, which the Energy Information […]

The EPA Comes to West Virginia – to Listen

Via The Charleston Gazette-Mail: It’s taken a while — several years in fact — but the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has finally come to West Virginia to hear testimony about the Clean Power Plan. There was plenty of pent-up demand to be heard. As many as 200 people testified Tuesday and Wednesday at the state […]

Science Dies in the Dark

November 30, 2017 During the last administration, serving in the Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy was akin to tending bar during Prohibition.  There was often demand for a stiff drink, but teetotalers made sure that “alcoholic beverages” weren’t on offer. So it was with the fossil energy office at a time when coal […]

Officials Voice Support of Repealing Clean Power Plan in West Virginia Coal Association Rally

Via The Register-Herald: Some state officials and industry supporters spoke in favor of repealing the Clean Power Plan at a Tuesday rally outside the Capitol where the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is conducting it two-day public comment hearings on the proposed repeal. The West Virginia Coal Association hosted the rally with speakers, including Senate President […]

U.S. EPA Takes Repeal of Clean Power Plan to Coal Country

Via Reuters: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency heard testimony from coal miners, lobbyists, environmentalists and others on Tuesday at a public meeting in West Virginia on the agency’s proposal to dismantle an Obama-era plan to slash carbon emissions from power plants The two-day hearing in Charleston on the proposal to axe the Clean Power Plan […]