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Coal Industry Tells FERC the Last 7 Years Was a Catastrophe it Must Now Fix

Via The Washington Examiner: The coal industry claims the last seven years was a catastrophe federal grid regulators under the Trump administration are now bound by the law to fix by supporting Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s grid plan. “In the last seven years, 101,000 megawatts of coal-fired generating capacity has retired or has announced plans […]

Why Coal and Nuclear Aren’t Going Anywhere

Via The Washington Examiner: Americans have a strong pragmatic streak. And they undoubtedly took notice recently when two devastating hurricanes knocked out power in much of the Southern United States. News channels focused on the harsh conditions that followed after families were left without power for days on end. It’s understandable, then, that a subsequent […]

Commentary: America’s Electrical Power System is Under Stress

Via The Salt Lake Tribune: Serious stresses are building within the U.S. electrical power industry. The further loss of nuclear and coal generating capacity that may occur in the near future depends on whether the federal government and regional electric grids recognize and correct chronic defects in the electricity market. These issues have now resulted […]

Baseload Power the Right Focus

Via The Columbus Dispatch America’s energy sector has reached an interesting crossroads. After eight years of the Obama Administration working to dismantle the nation’s coal fleet, the Trump Administration has swept into office and upended the apple cart. Earlier this year, Energy Secretary Rick Perry commissioned a study to assess the health of America’s power […]

Trump Administration Right to Focus on Baseload Power

Via The Troy Daily News: America’s energy sector has reached an interesting crossroads. After eight years of the Obama Administration working to dismantle the nation’s coal fleet, the Trump Administration has swept into office and upended the apple cart. Earlier this year, Energy Secretary Rick Perry commissioned a study to assess the health of America’s […]

EPA Chief Pruitt: Obama ‘Increased Burden’ on Coal Mining Industry

Via Fox Business: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt lashed out at the Obama administration on Tuesday for waging a war on the coal mining industry and defended the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. “I think the better discussion is not to put artificial targets, like we did in the Paris […]

Montana PSC Praise EPA Actions to Repeal Clean Power Plan

Via Daily Energy Insider: Members of the Montana Public Service Commission (PSC) recently issued statements applauding U.S. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s actions to repeal the Obama-era Clean Power Plan. “The EPA’s Clean Power Plan was all pain no gain for Montana,” Commissioner Tony O’Donnell said. “The draconian emission’s reductions specified in the […]

The Lesson from Luminant

October 18, 2017 Lately it seems that news, too, is in the eye of the beholder. The calamity brought by recent hurricanes – a calamity some greeted as evidence of climate change – was seen by others as evidence of grid vulnerability. Nature has become partisan. So it was last week. Reporters for the most […]

Trump Cuts Clean Power Plan, Boosts America’s Prospects

Via Brietbart.com: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) filed a notice in the Federal Register that it is rescinding former President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). This action serves as further evidence the gridlock in the Washington, DC swamp has not slowed President Donald Trump’s efforts to roll back ineffective and extremely costly climate programs and […]

Repealing the Clean Power Plan will benefit all Americans

Via The Washington Examiner: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt’s proposal to repealthe so-called Clean Power Plan is the most notable step President Trump and his team have taken to date to end the Obama administration’s unlawful and economically destructive war on affordable energy. Although there is no shortage of policy reasons to repeal the Clean Power Plan, […]