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Costly Power Plan No Longer Threatens State’s Economy

Via The West Virginia Gazette-Mail: Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, just did a big — though little-known — favor for states like ours that use coal to generate electricity. His decision to repeal the Clean Power Plan lifted a massive regulation from our state’s economy, sparing our industries and households from […]

A Costly Power Plan No Longer Threatens Colorado’s Economy

Via Colorado Politics: Scott Pruitt, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), just did a big — though little-known — favor for states like ours that use coal to generate electricity. His decision to repeal the Clean Power Plan (CPP) lifted a massive regulation from our state’s economy, sparing our industries and households from […]

Energy Secretary Rick Perry Moves to Preserve the U.S. Electrical Grid

Via Polizette.com: Over the past decade, scores of coal-fired and nuclear power plants have closed, leaving the country at risk Americans often take their daily electricity for granted. And it’s only when storms knock down power lines that we realize how much we rely on it. Unfortunately, there are real, growing concerns about the long-term […]

All-of-the-Above Energy Strategy Needed to Fuel Reliable Electric Grid

Via The Philadelphia Inquirer:  The spate of recent hurricanes that pummeled Florida, Louisiana, and Texas highlights the fragility of America’s electricity infrastructure. Millions of residents lost power for days, sometimes weeks. In tandem with this lost service came troubling disruptions to gas production and key pipelines, driving up energy costs nationwide. Americans have long been […]

Secretary Perry’s Socially Responsible Investing

October 12, 2017 The classic definition of arrogance is the guy who murders his parents and pleads for mercy as an orphan. We’re hearing echoes of this logic from critics of energy Secretary Perry’s proposal to value baseload power plants for the reliability they provide the grid. Any cost-of-service deal for merchant producers would be […]

Quinn: Coal Reset

Via The Miami Herald: The Oct. 11 editorial, “EPA rollbacks are bad for our planet,” is an extreme misrepresentation of a much-needed regulatory reset. With unprecedented enthusiasm for regulation, the prior administration issued broad, sweeping rules that overstepped the bounds of what the federal government can and should do — duplicating existing regulations, creating jurisdictional […]

Promise Kept: Trump to Roll Back Clean Power Plan

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: “The war on coal is over.” That’s the welcomed verdict from new EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who confirmed Monday what we already know — President Donald Trump is a friend of coal. And once again the Trump administration is making good on its pledge to help those coal-producing states that were unfairly targeted by former […]

Governor Mead Applauds EPA Clean Power Plan Repeal Decision

Via KGAB AM650:  Wyoming Governor Matt Mead is speaking out in support of a decision by EPA administrator Scott Pruitt to begin the process of repealing the Clean Power Plan [CPP]. The CPP was first issued in 2014 and would have required states to make big reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, including a 44 percent […]

Much Ado About Nothing

October 11, 2017 There was predictable indignation but no surprise at the administration’s decision to withdraw the Clean Power Plan. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and this one certainly didn’t. But not just because the president and his voters opposed it. Because the CPP was, from the outset, more a political subterfuge to […]

Pruitt’s Clean Power Break

Via The Wall Street Journal: The Trump Administration is giving the economy a boost with its deregulatory agenda, and the latest example comes Tuesday when Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt will propose to repeal the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan. Ending this power grab will uphold the letter of the law and restore cooperative […]