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Coal’s Comeback

Via The West Virginia MetroNews: The anti-coal movement and its advocates in the previous administration in Washington tried their best to snuff out the industry and, in the process, ruin the livelihoods of miners and destroy communities.  President Obama’s executive orders and his EPA’s regulatory stranglehold nearly brought coal to its knees. When confronted with […]

NMA Applauds Energy Department’s Assessment of the Electric Grid’s Resilience

The National Mining Association’s (NMA) president and CEO Hal Quinn comments on today’s release of the Department of Energy’s “Staff Report on Electricity Markets and Reliability” that assesses the resilience of the nation’s electric grid: “The National Mining Association applauds the department for its timely analysis of the nation’s power grid and the recommendations it […]

DOE Study: Coal, Gas, Nuclear Critical to Power Grid ‘Resiliency’

Via Cleveland.com: The U.S. Department of Energy is recommending new federal market policies be created to recognize that old coal and nuclear power plants as well as new gas plants are critical to the stability — and resiliency — of the nation’s electric grid. The DOE is recommending the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission work with […]

Coal is Making a Genuine Comeback

Via The Charleston Gazette-Mail: Neither the dead nor the living read their obituaries. And it looks like the U.S. coal industry isn’t reading its obituary — because it isn’t dead. As recent months have made clear, reports of its demise have been greatly exaggerated. From the second quarter of 2016 to the same period this […]

Pennsylvania Coal Company to Open Second Mine Since Trump Took Office

Via Fox News: The chief executive of Pennsylvania-based Corsa Coal Corp. said Sunday the company is opening a second coal mine since President Trump took office, declaring “the war on coal is over” and attributing the growth to the president’s economic policies. “I think it’s a direct link,” company CEO George Dethlefsen told Fox News, […]

Coal Industry Says It’s Back, Lauds ‘Unshackling’ Of Obama-Era Regulations

Via The Daily Caller: The coal industry is making a comeback, the National Mining Association says, in part because the Trump administration is “unshackling” the industry of “myriad regulations” from the Obama presidency. “Attribute part of the nascent coal revival to the unshackling of myriad regulations that drove coal plants into retirement and production down […]

Coal Makes a Comeback

Via The Wall Street Journal: Not long ago liberals hailed the demise of coal as inevitable while the Obama Administration strangled the industry with regulation. But don’t look now, Tom Steyer, because coal is showing signs of a revival and breathing economic life into West Virginia and other coal states. Former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator […]

Coal, the Comeback Kid

August 16, 2017 Neither the dead nor the living read their obituaries. Coal isn’t reading them because it isn’t dead.From the 2nd quarter of 2016 to the same period this year, coal production rose almost 17 percent. The number of new met mines in Central Appalachia rose from 155 to 212 in the year ending […]

New FERC Chairman to Focus on Coal, Nuclear Plants

Via The Washington Examiner: Coal and nuclear plants must be compensated properly for the reliability they bring to the electric grid, the newly appointed head of the nation’s grid watchdog said Monday. “I believe that generation, including our existing coal and nuclear fleet, need to be properly compensated to recognize the value they provide to […]

Trump’s EPA Will Rewrite Another Obama-Era Rule That Could Shutter Coal Plants

Via The Daily Caller: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt notified challengers the agency would begin the process of revising a regulation critics say could force more coal-fired power plants to shut down. Pruitt sent a letter to the Utility Water Act Group and Small Business Administration on Friday notifying them of the decision. […]