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Coal Looks to Make a Comeback in State

Via The Daily Sentinel: Coal production is swinging back up in Colorado and 2017 could end up being a year with 1 million more tons produced in the state than in 2016, Colorado Mining Association President Stan Dempsey said Wednesday. The improvement in the outlook for coal coincides with a change of administrations in Washington, […]

States Find New Friends

August 9, 2017: Last week, two seemingly disparate events showed how some in the Trump administration are holding fast to promises and principles. Both events encouraged state partnership and welfare in energy development. The first event was a subdued birthday party at the Department of the Interior, where the Office of Surface Mining and Regulatory […]

Coal to Dominate US Electricity Market Over Next Two Years

Via The Washington Examiner: U.S. coal production will see a sustained boost over the next two years due to increased use at power plants and a rise in exports, according to the federal government’s latest energy projections. “U.S. coal production is getting a boost in 2017 from higher coal exports and more coal-fired electricity generation,” […]

West Virginians Get the Last Laugh

Via The West Virginia Record: President Obama and his bureaucrats laughed at the citizens of West Virginia and our representatives for eight years as they waged their wicked war on coal (on behalf of other energy interests, foreign and domestic), but who’s laughing now? We are, and so is U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins. “Make no […]

Trump Administration Hails Deal to Export Coal to Ukraine

Via The Washington Post: The Trump administration on Monday hailed a Pennsylvania-based company’s deal to supply coal to Ukraine in preparation for winter heating needs, saying it would bolster a key U.S. ally often threatened by Russia. The deal, potentially worth about $79 million, calls for Xcoal Energy and Resources to ship 700,000 tons of […]

A Better Way for an EV World

August 2, 2017 Last week Tesla rolled out its Model 3, creating the kind of wait-in-line excitement usually reserved for smart phone roll outs. The difference here is that Tesla’s product heralds real, disruptive change – the astonishing growth of the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Bloomberg Finance forecasts EVs could claim 35 percent of the […]

A Much-Needed Study of Our Electrical Grid is Coming Soon

Via The Washington Examiner: The dependability of our energy supply is essential to our way of life. Many, especially those who lived through the energy crisis of the 1970s, understand this well when it comes to vehicle fuels like gasoline. But the public often doesn’t think about the reliability of our nation’s electrical supply, even […]

Why Coal is Number One

Via The Washington Times: Quick: what was the number one source of electricity production in the U.S. during the first half of 2017? If you answered renewable energy, you are wrong by a mile. If you answered natural gas, you were wrong by a tiny amount. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which tracks […]

These States Couldn’t Dig the Mining Industry More Right Now

Via The Wall Street Journal: The three fastest-growing states are reaping rewards from the recently revitalized mining sector. Mining was the driving force behind growth in Texas, West Virginia and New Mexico, which grew 3.9%, 3% and 2.8%, respectively — the fastest rates of any states — in the first quarter. Just a year earlier, […]

Coal Is Number One

Via The Spectator: Quick: what was the number one source of electricity production in the U.S. during the first half of 2017? If you answered renewable energy, you are wrong by a mile. If you answered natural gas, you were wrong by a tiny amount. According to the Energy Information Administration, which tracks energy use […]