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Perry Says Coal-Fired Power Plants Important in US Future

Via U.S. News & World Report:  After touring one of the few recently built coal-fired power plants in the U.S., Energy Secretary Rick Perry says they’re important for the country’s future. Perry says a stable baseload of electricity is important and this technology provides “the ability to deliver a secure, economical and environmentally good source […]

National View: Perry Right to Find out if U.S. on Track to Meet Future Power Needs

Via The Duluth News Tribune: Americans have been exceptionally fortunate in recent decades to enjoy robust power generation to heat their homes, refrigerate their food, and deliver clean drinking water. Unlike many countries, the United States maintains affordable, nonstop, 24/7 electricity. It’s an impressive feat in a nation of 325 million that continues to add […]

Don’t Count Out Coal Yet

Via U.S. News & World Report:  The coal industry has faced headwinds for the past decade. Burdensome regulations and competition from cheap natural gas have taken their toll. Conventional wisdom now suggests the sun is setting on the U.S. coal industry, but the assumptions driving that thinking are far from certainties. Energy experts point to […]

Column: Death of Coal Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Via The Columbus Dispatch: The decline of basic industries that provide good jobs for the middle class rightfully disturbs most Americans. Bad enough that they’re disappearing, but worse when these industries are being buried alive. You wouldn’t know it from much of what you read these days, but the U.S. coal industry isn’t dead and […]

Coal Still Provides Opportunities for American Job Creation and Consumer Choice

Via RealClearEnergy: President Trump’s executive order scaling back Obama-era initiatives such as the Clean Power Plan, along with other environmental regulations, was received with the expected pomp from liberals and conservatives alike. But it doesn’t take a bleeding heart to see the writing on the wall: while the coal industry may have been given new […]

Coal Industry Says Stability is Good News

Via West Virginia MetroNews: A new report foresees stabilization of West Virginia’s coal industry over the next 15 or so years, but then a period of production decline to below 80 million tons after 2030. That’s actually not such bad news, say leaders of the West Virginia Coal Association. That kind of prediction means coal remains a vital and […]

EPA To Consider Impact On Jobs

Via The Wheeling News-Register: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is not required to estimate the number of mining job losses that may be caused by air pollution regulations, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday. Despite the decision, the agency said that under President Donald Trump it would consider the impact of its policies on jobs. […]

Sturdiness of America’s Power Grid a Key Issue for Energy Study

Via News-Democrat Leader: Americans have been exceptionally fortunate in recent decades to enjoy robust power generation to heat their homes, refrigerate their food, and deliver clean drinking water. Unlike many countries, the United States maintains affordable, non-stop, 24/7 electricity. It’s an impressive feat in a nation of 325 million that continues to add more than […]

Guest Commentary: Clean Coal Part of Broad Fuel Portfolio

Via The News-Gazette: Our demand for electricity will continue to increase, notwithstanding improved energy efficiency. This is because we continue to find more and more uses for electricity, including our constantly increasing use of computers and other electronics and the greater number of electric vehicles on the road. A responsible policy for generating this electricity […]