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Hope For the Future

Via The Bluefield Daily Telegraph: It is something we are seeing just about every day now. Trains are hauling more coal through Bluefield. It is a comforting sight for those who are hoping to see a long-awaited resurgence of the coal industry. The reason more coal is being shipped through Bluefield is due to an uptick in the […]

Washington Braces for Trump Climate Order

Via The Hill: Washington is bracing for President Trump’s executive order on climate change, which could be released any day. The order is expected to disassemble former President Obama’s Clean Power Plan and end the moratorium on federal-land coal mining, steps that would make it all but impossible for the United States to reach its […]

Trump Lays Plans to Reverse Obama’s Climate Change Legacy

Via The New York Times: WASHINGTON — President Trump is poised in the coming days to announce his plans to dismantle the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s climate change legacy, while also gutting several smaller but significant policies aimed at curbing global warming. The moves are intended to send an unmistakable signal to the nation […]

A Realistic Debate About Coal

March 22, 2017 The unseemly haste to bury coal is taking a new tact. From Axios to The Washington Post, this week’s conventional wisdom about coal is: Trump can’t put king coal back on its throne. This is how coal’s critics set up the quintessential straw man, then triumphantly knock it down. It’s a staple […]

Trump’s ‘Energy Independence’ Order Expected to be Pushed Back Another Week

Via The Washington Examiner: President Trump has been threatening for weeks to issue an executive order to rein in the Obama administration’s climate change agenda, but it appears another week may be in order before Trump gets out his signing pen. Administration sources said the order likely will be held back for another week, according […]

Trump Preparing New Executive Actions for Coal Mining

Via The Toldeo Blade: President Donald Trump said today he was preparing new executive actions to save coal mining and put miners back to work. “As we speak we are preparing new executive actions to save our coal industry and to save our wonderful coal miners from continuing to be put out of work. The […]

Week Ahead: Anticipation Builds for Trump Climate Order

Via The Hill: The coming week could finally bring President Trump’s long-awaited executive order on climate change. The White House has promised an executive order undoing large swaths of President Obama’s work on climate change. On Friday, Politico reported Trump could sign such an order on Monday. An administration official declined to comment on the […]

‘I’m Thankful I’ve Got a Job Again’: The Trump Presidency Has Allowed Coal Miners In This Town To Go Back To Work

Via Townhall: For the countless communities that dot rural America, Donald Trump is something of an economic savior. For small towns where coal is the economic driving force, the Obama presidency has been devastating. Mines closed, workers laid off, and economic downturn were becoming commonplace. Then, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in one of the biggest upsets […]

Cutting the EPA’s Budget Could Save American Consumers and Businesses Hundred of Billions of Dollars

Via Brietbart: While President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts just $2.6 billion from the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency, the benefits for the American economy will likely be much larger. The biggest economic benefits from Trump’s EPA budget would come from the complete elimination of funding for implementing the “Clean Power Plan,” the Obama […]

CPP’s Last Stand

March 16, 2017: The Obama Administration’s so called war on coal, a campaign that appeared destined for victory just a few months ago looks to be in full retreat. An executive order, expected soon, will start a re-examination of costly and potentially unlawful policy impediments to energy independence. Prominent among these will be two, both […]